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Infographics for nature conservation project / Infografiken für ein Naturschutzprojekt
Gewinnerdesign von GutherzDesign

Infographics for nature conservation project / Infografiken für ein Naturschutzprojekt

vendras suchte ein neues Design in der Kategorie Infografiken und hat ein Projekt auf gestartet.

Für ein Preisgeld von 230€ wurden 44 Designvorschläge von 7 Designern eingereicht, Designer GutherzDesign wurde zum Gewinner gekürt.

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Dieses kurze Briefing wurde vom Auftraggeber verfasst:

Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) is an international conservation organisation based in Germany that has been implementing conservation projects in outstanding natural places in Africa, South America, South-East Asia, and Europe for decades. The FZS European Programme safeguards large, biodiverse wilderness areas, mainly in Eastern Europe.

Since this year, a 5-year project (, kicked-off to save the landscape of Belarusian and Ukrainian Polesia. Therefore, a consortium of nature conservation organisations from 4 different countries joined forces to protect this natural landscape:
• APB-BirdLife Belarus
• USPB-BirdLife Ukraine
• British Trust for Ornithology
• Frankfurt Zoological Society

Polesia is one of the biggest and most impressive wilderness areas in Europe. It spans over 180,000 square kilometres and stretches across the boundaries of Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. With its naturally meandering river, gigantic mires, wetlands and floodplain forests, Polesia is a treasure for birds, amphibians and many other animal and plant species. It is not only key to wildlife, but also to human beings by providing reams of vital benefits as e.g. contributing to a country’s economy, regulating climate, providing clean water, storing carbon, supporting human health and many more.

Here ( you will find a description and some pictures of the area and the website ( on which the infographics will be presented..

The target group is the donor, but also media, local political decision makers, and the international conservation community will visit the website.
The designer should create six (6) infographics. The infographics will be used on the project website to give a short and comprehensive introduction to the project.
The designer is free to choose, whether all infographics will be created as stand alone graphics or interconnected in one single file (examples below). This is up to the designers creativity and ideas, we are open for both suggestions.
If the designer choses the latter, having both a landscape- and a portrait- layout version for the different layouts of the website on a desktop and smartphone would be preferred (not mandatory).

The infographics will need to be incorporated into the website ideally by Friday,8th of May.

The six infographics needed should resemble, respectively, the:
1. General project facts: Project duration 2019-2023 (5 years), Partnership of 4 NGOs, Project area and size: 5.8 mio ha (located along Belarusian-Ukrainian border)
2. Project outcome 1: Biodiversity is better protected through the expansion by at least 100,000 ha, improved financing and international recognition of the protected area network in the core project area --> Expansion of protected areas by 100,000 hectare
3. Project outcome 2: Improved management and on-site protection in the protected and interconnected core area of over 1 Mio ha --> Improvement of protected areas management in over 1 million hectare
4. Project outcome 3: Mires and wetlands (6,000 ha) rewetted --> Restoration of 6,000 hectares of drained mires
5. Project outcome 4: Awareness and knowledge in relation to Polesia increased among the local population which leads to active support towards the conservation of key areas --> Increase of awareness and knowledge
6. Project outcome 5: Development of alternative livelihoods based on sustainable use of nature. In this way, nature-based jobs will be created which will replace other harmful practices in the area. --> Development of al.. ist eine einfache, schnelle und risikolose Alternative um ein professionelles Design zu einem bezahlbaren Preis zu bekommen.
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