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Ausgerichtete Projekte: 1

Preise vergeben: 1

zuletzt online vor 428 Tagen 4 Std.

Über mich
My name is Stefan Christmann and I was born in Koblenz/Germany in 1983. I had my first contact with nature photography during a student exchange with the US state Montana. While visiting Yellowstone National Park I took the first consciously composed photograph of my life with a little digital point and shoot camera. However I quickly realized, that it was impossible for me to capture what I had just seen.

Starting out as a digital photographer at first, I traveled back in time and began using film. My dad gave me his fully manual Minolta SRT303b SLR camera, which taught me the connection between aperture and shutter speed, as well as correct focussing and composition. Today I am back to digital.

Together with my friend Matthias I started to photograph almost anything, although nature always played a dominant role. In a way you could say, that my interest in nature was born out of my interest in photography and vice versa.

In 2005 I experienced the first real highlight of my hobby: as the first international student ever, I received a nature photography scholarship from the North American Nature Photography Association NANPA. Meeting some of the most famous and renowned nature photographers in the world was a life-altering experience. Nature photography became a passion which nowadays is an important counterpart to my rather technical and logical life as a physicist. Together with my second hobby music, it helps me to kick back from stressful days at work and helps me to recharge my batteries for all endeavors ahead.

In 2011 I experienced the next major highlight in my life as a nature photographer. I got the chance to stay in Antarctica for 14 months (Dec 2011 - Feb 2013) and work as an overwinterer on the German Antarctic Research Station Neumayer III. For the first time in my life I had the opportunity to document and experience a remote eco-system without any interruptions. Some of my work from these days can be found in my Antarctica gallery. However the pictures can only convey a fraction of the beauty that this place has to offer.

Deutsch, Englisch

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